It's February 2024 and I just got inspired by to create a list of ideas and inspirations that sometimes go through my mind. It is nothing big, don't get me wrong. Most of the items on the list will never see the light of day and a big part is just a final product of a note-taking process.
Maybe some of those seeds will find a fertile soil and grow inside of your mind. Maybe some of them would help you look at a known problem with a completely different perspective. Nobody knows what the future holds.
I also hope that this page will be nice to have a look at in some time, when my failed mind, without a doubt, will remove the great thoughts passing through it.
Clutter-free information website
A website scraping through the most important news websites and providing, let's say, top 5 results for the given day with a short description and links to the main story. Similar solutions already exist, however, they are inevitably moderated. Maybe an impartial AI (if such thing even exists) would be a better judge of what's more important for me.
An anti-aging coffee. You get to be awake and for one hour you don't get old. 365 free hours a year, what would you do with that?