February 28, 2024

The Creative Act (Rick Rubin) - Recenzja

Krótki przepis na twórczość
October 06, 2023

Modifying objects with spread operator

A neat little trick I've learned recently
July 18, 2022

Git in Plain English

Translating Git commands into something you will understand
March 23, 2022

Managing git tags like a pro

You will never have to look it up again
July 27, 2021

TIL - Filtering arrays can be tricky

Don't ever let your INDEX go away
May 24, 2021

Deprecating Public API

Ever wanted to stop supporting your public API and don't know where to start? Here are some of my thoughts.
March 08, 2021

Asynchronous JavaScript - promises

Coming back to the topic of asynchronous JavaScript. Let's figure out what promises are and how to use them.
October 26, 2020

Asynchronous JavaScript - callbacks

What is asynchronous code and what problems do callbacks solve?
August 13, 2020

Quick Sort in JavaScript

Classic algorithm and its implementation in JavaScript
July 23, 2020

Selection Sort in JavaScript

What is a selection sort and how to implement it in JS?
June 22, 2020

SSH in Depth - Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption

What are the main differences between symmetric and asymmetric encryption?
April 28, 2020

Game of Life

I have implemented Game of Life as a tribute to late John Conway
March 30, 2020

SSH in Depth - History and Overview

I always wanted to find out about the origins of SSH. Might seem obvious, but turns out there were some twists in the story!
March 05, 2020

Bubble Sort in JavaScript

Kicking off the algorithms-in-JS series
January 28, 2020

Configuring firewall with NGINX

I got blocked and here's the solution I've found. No more bad firewalls breaking your workflow.
January 07, 2020

Running NPM scripts from Grunt

JavaScript task runner Grunt can do more than it seems at the beginning - thanks to the amazing plugins.
July 31, 2019

Joy Division

Coming straight from album cover and millions of t-shirts to your browser
July 30, 2019

Squared Lines

Commodore 64 classic 10 print code in JS canvas